speculation and excessive googling will drive you mad.
A thousand times, yes. Not to mention a well-meaning, but frantic mother (his) that wants to take over ALL coordination of medical treatment, and insists that he should get the surgery ASAP, regardless of insurance coverage. The doctor is ok with waiting, and it makes the difference between $1500 out of pocket and $15,000+.
Here are 2 pictures of Kato for everyone's enjoyment (as well as cognitive dissonance): Our sweet boy Kato; ...and the same dog (no, really) (who will EAT YOUR FACE).
Maria, I also send you patience~ma for dealing with your MiL. Oy.
Ahaha, those pictures of Kato are awesome.
Cute AND Cujo, all in one. Makes my head spin.
Cute AND Cujo, all in one. Makes my head spin.
What Maria said. With a side of giggles, because really, Kato? You're too silly.
And the thing is, he wasn't being aggressive or mean in the Cujo picture; I just caught him as he was barking to indicate that yes, he would like a treat NOW, please. I just got him at the exact right (wrong?) time to make him look like he belongs on Shark Week.
I love the Sun Dog picture, though. That just captures his personality completely.
How wonderful that that program exists, Maria. What a blessing.
Thanks for the link. I do not qualify. 'Puffy foot' just isn't that serious.
Kato is adorable. Such a great smile. I'm simply going to assume that the second photo was taken out of context...and/or...he was just foolin'.
Steph, it will be a few more days...which probably means next week, for us to get the results.
Thanks so much for the good thoughts. Every one is deeply appreciated.
Everything is fine today, but now I can't take my eyes off the swelling around his backside. Is it? Is it not? If it is, what will I do?
Really not fun.
I also send you patience~ma for dealing with your MiL. Oy.
Yeah, I'm not really enjoying the disapproval for deigning to think about money at a time like this. Look, if it was absolutely necessary for him to have the surgery tomorrow, then I will goddamned make sure he has the surgery tomorrow, and it will eventually be paid for. If waiting a month is OK according to the doctor, then get off of my shit for weighing our options. I'm not that fucking callous or heartless.
Oh dear. Don't even take that on. You could never be heartless or callous. Not even possible.
You know you are right.
Yeah, I'm not really enjoying the disapproval for deigning to think about money at a time like this.
Ugh. You are going to have a long month. Do you have to answer the phone?