I like the way she said it!!
I was up until 6 am or so stressing about money. I would turn off the light, try to go to sleep, fail, turn on the light, read a relevant book or two, turn off the light, fail, get up, take a shower, go back to bed, fail, turn on the light, write down the crazy money-making ideas swirling in my head... you get the idea.
So now I've slept half the day away. Not ideal. But I'll make it work.
I believe medical bills are charged to the "estate."
Yes they are.
YAY YAY YAY! Happy anniversary, Miracleborns!
I was up until 6 am or so stressing about money.
Oh sweetheart. The only reason I wasn't was the meds I'm on. But I could feel the anxiety insomnia creeping around the edges. I hope you sleep better tonight.
Happy anniversary to the Miracle-est of Borns! It is my anniversary, too. Good day to get married!
Happy anniversary to you too, Scrappy!111!
You know, this is sad. Last night I was hungry and it was too late in the evening to eat, and this morning I got only a couple slices of bacon for breakfast, very early, so I decided that today after meetings were over, I would order lots of Chinese food and guiltlessly pig out. So I ordered a large chicken fried rice and fried cheese wontons, and ... I've only eaten half the wontons and half a bowl of the fried rice, and I'm full. Dang. Fried rice is never as good reheated, either, but I'm going to feel compelled to eat it all over the next couple days.
Yay to Scrappy and her DH!! Definitely a good day to be married.
I was up until 6 am or so stressing about money.
Oh! Speaking of! I owe you money, smonster. Your box o'magazines arrived at camp while I wasn't there, and I didn't hear about it until much later! And then I forgot! But I think I got paid today, so let me paypal you the shipping. Which addy was I supposed to use?
Happy anniversary, Miracleborns and Scrappy/DH!
Happy anniversary to the Miracle-est of Borns! It is my anniversary, too. Good day to get married!
EXCELLENT day to be wed!! We are proud to share the day with such an awesome couple!! Happy Anniversary Scrappy and DH-of-Scrappy!
Happy anniversaries to the coolest married people! Congrats to you all.
Happy Anniversaries Scrappy & DH and Miracleborns!