Okay, need help- -I'm redoing my bio for my website and it's kind of light and fun, so one of the things I'm doing is a short Pop Quiz subsection. These are the questions I have so far:
- Thin or thick crust pizza?
- Ben & Jerry's or Häagen Dazs?
- ER George or Ocean's Eleven George?
I want a couple more. Any suggestions?
Beatles or Stones?
Dick York or Dick Sargent?
Boxers or briefs?
Funny, but definitely out of the age bracket-- I'm doing this for a primarily young adult audience.
Facebook or Myspace?
Leggings or Jeans?
iPhone or Blackberry? (hahahahah... this is one to ask my students!)
Rock or Hip Hop?
Flats or Heels?
(I figure some of these can be girl specific because of the audience of your book, yes?)
Text or talk?
Licorice or Cilantro?
Take them both to their natural habitats, AKA the sixth circle of hell. And far away from me, thank you.
chocolate or vanilla?
Almond Joy or Mounds?
Bella or Sookie?
I used to work at a restaurant that served star anise in a couple of cocktails. From time to time I would pop one in my mouth and suck on it. Om nom nom.
Star anise is yet another plant. [link] Very pretty seedpods. I read somewhere that it's going up in price because it's used as an ingredient in making Tamiflu.