Wait, sorry, that was *being a toad.* Lemme try again.
Burrell, you are soooooo cool and sooooooo pretty! I bet you have a fan page on Facebook, and if you don't, I will totally start one right now!
(No, I won't. I am not creepy.)
(Not THAT creepy.)
{{{Pix and ND}}} I'm wishing so hard for the best possible out come for you two.
Oh, Dana, that so sucks. I'm so sorry.
I have the sound of the voices clanging around in my head for awhile after. Like echos of conversations.
Ok, I am utterly astonished, because I thought I was the only one.
I thought I was the only one too!
I've tried to explain to a couple people who didn't get it.
Husband thinks I should fight the warning. I just want to curl up into a ball and pretend nothing happened.
Husband thinks I should fight the warning. I just want to curl up into a ball and pretend nothing happened.
I think you should coyly request permission from whomever is next up the food chain every single time you need to touch the company's social networking presence, until the person gets sick of it, and asks what the aitch eee double hockey sticks is your problem.
There's some advice for you in spoiler font if you want it. If advice is not the thing you need right now, that's ok. Here are more brackets {{{{{{Dana}}}}}}}
Heh. I would have suggested what WindSparrow suggested. Because I'm like that.
Hi everyone from the Sound Sleep center in Burnsville, MN!
I'm wired up with electrodes and going to sleep soon.
More upon the new day....
Have fun storming the Oxygen levels, dear man!