Perkins, I have a graphics thing to do for you, don't I? I will definitely do that this morning.
Today I think I will wear my dragon tights and my short stompy boots with the denim skirt. If I were a little more relaxed I'd wear my Alice Cooper long-sleeved T, but no. Other people wear T-shirts, but I'd feel weird.
I am kind of embarrassed to say.
Ahahaha, you do remember that I've done tasting menus at The French Laundry and other such places. But no worries, through the wonders of the internet I am sure I can find out on my own!
Woah! Our bank just announced that JEANS will be allowed on Friday from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Good thing cause jeans are so cool in NYC summers?!?!?
I read RuPaul instead of Rand Paul at the start of brenda's post.
Thanks for the mental image of RuPaul as a Paulian Libertarian. I seriously needed the laugh -- it's been one of those days.
Oh, and here's the Batman fighting Darth Vader painting that I hadn't seen before: [link]
Batman must have some Bat-anti-force-chocking device in his utility belt, huh?
The Rand Paul fun keeps coming.
Back to Google News
Rand Paul: WH criticism of BP sounds 'un-American'
In an interview Friday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Paul says the president's response is part of the "blame game" that's played in the U.S. Paul said that leads to the thinking that tragic incidents are "always someone's fault" and added, sometimes accidents just happen.
So 11 people dead, incredible environmental damage, and a massive blow to the local economy; and we should blow it off as an accident when the device the company assures us is failsafe fails. Awesome.
I don't know much about Libertarians, and suspect I may have a distorted view of the party and its platform.
I think Libertarians are like Atheists. Good luck getting them to even agree on the definition of the word.
Another BatPost: Working BatPod on eBay
I read the BatPod from the movie was not an easy motorcycle to ride, with those wide, flat wheels.