I appreciate the chance to reconnect with you you miserable prats and to update you on the new skills and connections I have made in the last two years since you upset the fucking applecart and fucked my life up, buttmunch.
I am glad to see that X company has been able to diversify and is now considering opening up to new opportunities to advance its position in the marketplace although if you'd fired Beavis Buttlicker and Barbara Backstabber in, say 2008, maybe I wouldn't have to be reinterviewing.
I feel that I am the perfect fit for this position since I HAD it before. I would enjoy working again with X since she is about the only person there who can tell her ass from her elbow .
I would be happy to speak with you further regarding my qualifications you owe me, bitches! and would be pleased to discuss appropriate ranges of compensation I won't even roll out of bed for less than $10K more than I made when you laid me off; you OWE me, bitches.
Best, I hope skunks invade your bedroom, and your sex parts develop an itchy rash
Have we made sure there are no blocking issues for localization?
I'm more concerned with knowledge silos impacting the crosscutting operationalization of appropriate paradigms.
Hmmmm. I think I excised that sentence from a document earlier this week.
I'm more concerned with knowledge silos impacting the crosscutting operationalization of appropriate paradigms.
Good lord, you've been working with the same specs I've been looking at. I had no idea.
I'm more concerned with knowledge silos impacting the crosscutting operationalization of appropriate paradigms.
Oh thank god, I have no idea what you're saying.
Oh thank god, I have no idea what you're saying.
She's talking
about my job, that's what she's doing.
lalalala, I can't hear any of you.
She's talking precisely about my job, that's what she's doing.
If I have to have a tech industry job, why can't I have ita as my PM? Whhhhyyyy? My life would be so much easier.
OMG, Terrence Howard secretly married! HA -- now we all know he finally found a lady that keeps her jade terrace shiny and neat.
And he's getting laid without his delicate baby feelings being trampled upon.
God bless you, TH; I'm sending Freshet's for your trousseau.