There is so much pet hair and other ick on our floors that I NEVER go barefoot in the house, which breaks my heart.
Another reason I'm glad of my cleaning service! I clean the floor of the downstairs bathroom between cleanings, where it tends to get dirtier, but my litterbox set-up results in very little tracking, which would be the main problem.
Hubby hates any sandal that makes a flap noise, because it reminds him of the little old ladies he saw when he was a kid in Hawaii, flapping around in their sandals made of old tires. For some reason, it just drives him nuts, no matter how cute or comfortable they are.
The thought of flip flops gives me the chills. I cannot stand that thing between my toes!
Also, didn't flip flops used to be called "thongs"
The thought of flip flops gives me the chills. I cannot stand that thing between my toes!
Do flip-flops, by their very nature, have to have that toe thing? Because I refer to the ones without the toe thing as "flip flops".
To me, flip-flops always have the toe thing, which I could handle as a child. I don't think I could deal with it now. My shoe needs are much more complicated as an adult.
Also, didn't flip flops used to be called "thongs"
Do flip-flops, by their very nature, have to have that toe thing?
I would say yes, but that's because I think that what we call flip-flops now are what we used to call thongs.
flip flops = thongs. similar shoes without the toe thing = slides. Slides with thick cushy soles are my go to summer shoes, but this year mine are all packed away. is sad. I often forget to take off shoes when I get home, especially tied shoes. Doesn't really bother me bring in the dirty.
Outside shoes come off when I come in the door. Do you know what's on the bottom of those shoes? Bird shit, dog shit, cat piss, dead bugs, motor oil; I don't want it on my carpet. Ew.
There is so much pet hair and other ick on our floors that I NEVER go barefoot in the house, which breaks my heart. Prior to moving in with The Boy, if I was at home, I was barefoot.
I know both of these things, and yet I still go barefoot, b/c eh. A combo of life experiences has made me sometimes overly casual about germ and chemical exposure.
A combo of life experiences has made me sometimes overly casual about germ and chemical exposure.
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. And sometimes gives us super powers.