It's the same people who have been walking around in flip-flops all the time since before the gladiators became popular.
See, flip-flops I can and do wear all summer. But they're sort of squishy at least! I'm like Zen, though -- if I could barefoot all summer, I would be.
My Croc flip-flops are my default airport shoe (and I bring socks in my purse for the plane) because you can walk through security without taking them off.
I will say I wish no one would wear harem pants. Except MC Hammer.
And bellydancers.
I love flip flops (yeah, I said it) and can walk long distances in them but hate gladiator sandals and find ballet flats very uncomfortable.
Flip flops hurt my feet if I walk long distances in them, but I am Barefoot Girl all the time at home. It makes me crazy that Dan doesn't take his shoes off until he goes to sleep.
Who DOES that? Mine are off the second I hit the door.
I wear flip-flops in the house, and occasionally out (generally for a pedicure), but I can't walk far in them comfortably.
I can't stand flip flops (only wear them at the pool to protect my feet from planters warts and athletes foot), mostly because I always get blisters in between my big toe and second toe.
Sue, I never saw Slacker.
It hasn't aged well. It's very of it's time.
Any kind of thong sandal gives me foot cramps.
I tried wearing flip-flops last summer and found they throw off my gait too much, and I hate that thing between my toes.
Outside shoes come off when I come in the door. Do you know what's on the bottom of those shoes? Bird shit, dog shit, cat piss, dead bugs, motor oil; I don't want it on my carpet. Ew.
My Croc flip-flops are my default airport shoe
I live in my Lands End version of Croc flip-flips (Trellos, maybe?).
Outside shoes come off when I come in the door. Do you know what's on the bottom of those shoes? Bird shit, dog shit, cat piss, dead bugs, motor oil; I don't want it on my carpet. Ew.
There is so much pet hair and other ick on our floors that I NEVER go barefoot in the house, which breaks my heart. Prior to moving in with The Boy, if I was at home, I was barefoot.
I can't walk barefoot for any length of time, so I have a pair of cheapo inside flip-flops. I do enforce a "take your shoes off at the door please" policy for visitors.