How else are people going to express their disgust at the fat people who just can't control their eating and aren't healthy and a drain on society and worse than lepers? Stop persecuting people, Dana. Sheesh.
Which, of course, is to say -- you know better, sillyhead!
Clothes women like that men hate.
I dislike most of these clothes myself (no opinions on headbands--the male reasons given for hating them drive me up the wall, and I don't care one way or another about gladiator sandals, and I like tuxes).
At least the article leads with the presumption that it's advice for women trying to impress men with their clothes, not all women.
So I was reading a post on Jezebel reminiscing about Reality Bites... and I was trying to remember what early 90s movie resonated with me on a romantic and/or zeitgeist level... and I couldn't think of one. Commenters also brought up Before Sunrise and Singles. Thoughts, suggestions?
Clothes women like that men hate.
Well I hate most of them too. I certainly can't wait for those bug-eye glasses to go away.
Fashion is NOT for most straight guys. I think most straight guys would like to see all women wearing long shiny hair in a pretty sundress or plain jeans and a tank top. Which would make me mad, except most straight women I know like to see all men in a fitted tuxedo or or plain jeans and a tank top.
Clothes women like that men hate.
Love the framing on the article. Clothes women
are fashionable, bless their pretty little hearts. Feh.
oh. I do not think men belong in tank tops, mostly.
I don't have a problem with the big sunglasses but agree that most of those fashion trends are hideous.
Plain jeans, white tank top, or white t-shirt, or white dress shirt with sleeves rolled up and buttons left open at the neck.
Male or female. What?
ETA relevant prepositions, because it's a choice thing, not a layering thing.