Just got a call from Mom, who is at the state meeting for her garden club. Last summer, she became president of her local chapter by default (no one else wanted it, and she had been the treasurer up to then), but once she got the post, she decided to run with it. When I visited her last July, she had me edit her first draft of the chapter's yearbook. In previous years, her chapter had always done very well at the state level with it (usually getting first prize for Best Yearbook), so she wanted me to double-check.
Well, they just won first prize for Best Yearbook at this year's state meeting, and when they awarded the silver cup to her, they also announced that they had submitted her yearbook to the national level, and she had won first prize there, too!!!
Yay, Mom!!!
Yay your mom, Kathy!
And he falls in the category of cranky old dudes who inexplicably like me, so I really feel like I need to go.
Aw. I hope you're up to it.
I'm surprised Rue McClanahan was only 76.
Is Darby a visitor or potentially a stayer? 'Cause I vote stayer.
That's really cool for your mother, Kathy.
The nearby cafe didn't have any baked goods, so I'm having
for breakfast. What the hell? And it's not even good fruit. It's overpriced slightly sweet water wrapped in cellulose--melon and watermelon. Washed down with Monster energy drink, because if I don't artificially kickstart today, something not great is going to happen.
I used to be so dosed up on meds that I could sleep anywhere anytime, after multiple shots of Red Bull and espresso. I miss those days.
Yeah, I dunno what the cranky old dudes thing is, but whatever the attraction is, I haz it. He`ll snarl at the other band members and cuss everybody out, but he always hugs me. And I suspect in some ways I remind him of his wife. Anyway, he specifically asked for us to perform, so I`m going to do what I can, but I dunno if my pipes will stand up.
I am always happy at new puppy connections and I hope you guys are a match.
Is Darby a visitor or potentially a stayer? 'Cause I vote stayer.
That's what the visit will hopefully determine.
Could someone do me a favour? I'd like these, please. I've been a good girl. I'm even eating fruit for breakfast.
TV University
HuffPost sez:
Welcome to TV University. Class is in session. To get you acquainted, one honor student (brown-noser) has gone through the trouble of mapping out the entire faculty roster. And it's glorious. We recommend double-majoring in Bird Law and Theater.
Who's the dude who's head of Actuarial Sciences?