In my children are strange news...
First, some background. When Kelly and I were driving last week, we came across a few restrooms with condom dispensers promising an exciting variety of styles. So, that became a quest, purchasing one from each machine. We ended up with a glow in the dark, black studded, and a tickler ring. Kelly ended up with the collection (as I live in NGA land).
So, today. CJ is playing with the Jenga blocks trying to build crazy towers. (Can you see where this is going?) Kelly's purse is sitting next to her and the first thing she grabs to throw at him is one of the condoms. When she realized what she grabbed, she paused to determine which would be the best one to throw. But then he built a shield, so the opportunity was lost.
Okay, if I was not under a (self-imposed) t-shirt-buying ban, I would buy this Think Geek shirt: [link].
Perkins and I both own that.
t /Mr. Burns
I'm having weird number age issues. I don't have those. It's disconcerting.
I can see a certain rugged similarity with the Bean and the Fillion.
Umm, yes. Admittedly I have been known to have A Type which is more or less that, but I will attest to a certain similarity. The Ackles, on the other hand, is forever and always a wacky 19th-century frontier disease in my mind.
In 1987, he was not the Crusher I was crushing on.
Mmmm, competent redhead.
Okay, two types.
hivemind - what are other sites like threadless that have coolish not so common t-shirts.
80sTees has a bunch. Otherwise, I would have recommended Woot as well. TeeFury is good, but you can only buy a shirt on the day it's offered.
Mmmm, competent redhead.
Not to feed any possible crushes. (And, wow, I thought she looked good at her full plus-size glory, but her Athletic Healthy Size 10 body right now is pretty amazing, too.)
And now my high school chem teacher is reassuring me it is just a number. I'm torn about laughter. High school was SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO.
Good lord now I have a crush on Kate Dillon.
I'd like to point out that at no point did I inovoke the infamous Padalecki towel shot, though I suppose I have now. I wish I could claim restraint, but I feel the other pics better evoke the charms which appeal to me. Although I do like a good iliac crest. See also, Taylor Kitsch.
The Ackles, on the other hand, is forever and always a wacky 19th-century frontier disease in my mind.
So was Whooping Cough and I got that. Though I think I am less likely to come down with The Ackles.
High school was SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO.
My post-university improv troupe had its twenty year celebration this year. I realised last night, that I was one of the babies of the troupe. Some of the guys in it were fucking OLD, dude. Ancient.
Mmm. The towel shot. I like it best in motion, with the gratuitous pec flex. And then you mention crests...Ian Somerhalder is of dubious attraction to me, but Damon Salvatore has had some iliac crest moments for real.