Also, Jared Padalecki always makes me giggle, because I still think of him as Dean on the Gilmore Girls, first and foremost.
Me too! Also because I don't watch SPN. So every time someone mentions Dean, I think of Padalecki, and then have to remind myself that Gilmore Girls Dean is SPN not!Dean.
(Also, I gotta put Jensen Ackles in the category of Men Who Many Of You Find Hot Who I Just Don't Get. There's a definite theme running through them: Ackles, Sean Bean, Nathan Fillion. I can't put my finger on what it is that makes me not go all weebly over them, but the weebliness is not there.)
(Although Dr. Horrible *finally* made me appreciate Nathan Fillion as an actor. Anyone who will play Captain Hammer is all right in my book.)