I would take out my own stitches... it ain't hard. And the damn things itch.
If my face was my tool, I'd be a little more cautious about it, both in waiting the recommended length of time before removing them, and perhaps having someone else do it. He had his face messed up around when I did, and there was no way I'd have taken the stitches out of my own face. Hells no.
Harry Potter is the second greatest TV character? How is that not wack?
Went to the dentist, got my teeth cleaned and my retainer thingie.
Now, I am just gronked. Ugh.
I may go and lay on the bed and read magazines for a bit.
Harry Potter is the second greatest TV character? How is that not wack?
Headline fail. At least the text of the article mentions TV and movies....
I am done with work for a bit. I really want to shop online, but no idea what for. what do I need for my new house that I might find a bargain on on ebay?
Thoughts oh this dress?
Christina Ricci Debuts Under Cleavage (PHOTOS)
I dunno - it don't look right to me....
That looks ridiculous. Like she's wearing a policeman's cap, but on her chest.
Yeah, there's so much more wrong with that dress than upsidedown cleve.
And did you see the SHOES?!?! Oh honey, that's just a world of fugly on one person.
Both the Fug Girls and TLo dinged that look.