Unless he was spouting racist or sexist stuff while he was doing it,
Nah. CK doesn't seem to be either, but he does admit that he loves pussy. (In his defense, he was drunk when he said it. Not that I think it isn't true, just that he probably wouldn't have phrased it quite so indelicately if sober.) Audio of the hoodsurfing incident, as far as I can make it out, is CK urging the driver (who I think is Jensen Ackles) to go faster, and driver insisting that he does not wish to kill anyone.
At my university the standard is that the course is the property of the school but your individual power points etc are not. So if you developed a course on Pediatric Nursing, and you left, we could still use the course, the description, the outline, syllabus. In practice, most of the teachers leave everything, but also take it. They do occasionally bring on consultants to develop courses, but not teach them, and they pay them for their content.
HOODSURFING IS STUPID AND DANGEROUS! People I think are hot should not do it. But odds are he`s going to get himself killed some other adrenaline way, so whatevs.
More to the point, if you delete it off the server are they going to recover it and give it to someone else who will actually want to use it? And will you care? Are they going to hunt you down at a new school and insist that what you're using is too similar to what you used at their school and you have to create something new?
Oh, and I have had weird arguments about theatre design-- whether or not the design is property of who you did it for (obviously the costumes are). This has come up when people want to remount things-- the designers usually wish to get paid again, and usually (at the theatre) the lighting and sound designer do, because they have to come up and do more work, but the costume and set designer don't, because the shop is expected to recreate the work.
Kane hoodsurfing. Long time ago. Stupid and dangerous.
It's in the quickedit popup above the posting box. I bet you don't use ] either, do you?
I'm sorry -- I meant, how come I've never noticed it happening when we played FCM in the past.
Pix, the NEA has some guidance on this: [link]
I don't think you're going to get the answer you're looking for. Your school may only be able to lay claim to what you've produced while you've been employed there. They shouldn't have the rights to anything before then.
I meant, how come I've never noticed it happening when we played FCM in the past.
Because people capitalised?
But odds are he`s going to get himself killed some other adrenaline way, so whatevs.
Probably playing Eliot, too.
Okay, now I gotta listen to the audio of the video, because the idea that JA is driving is HYSTERICAL. Not that it should be--don't try this at home, kids.