Holy worm farm, Batman! It stopped thundering, and the sky cleared, so i went outside to put some yard waste intp yard bags, and also started raking the driveway.
It's leaves that haven't been touched in like two years, and the bottom layer is dirt and juicy worms by now. I must have seen 20.
Would this be good for gardening? Do you think people on Craigslist would come and haul away juicy worm dirt?
Also -- valuable life lesson: don't rake in thongs.
Plumber scheduled tonight to fix shower. YAY. But I am gross now. BOO. But I plan on grilling and doing other housework-y things, so if I showered now, I would just get gross again.
There's fanfic that's not porn? (I kid, I kid... my sister writes it.)
so mac has decided (after about 20 minutes home) not to be mad at me anymore. lalala nothing happened here, nothing to talk about. Too bad I am still annoyed with him and am going to lay it out for the psychiatrist tonight.
I am mainlining choc chip cookies.
Well, at least he's not mad? You can eat chocolate chip cookies in peace!
(I kid, I kid... my sister writes it.)
Yes, but she calls it "Bob".
His latest behavior when mad, not enraged, is to ignore me. It is SOooooo my Briar Patch.
Would this be good for gardening? Do you think people on Craigslist would come and haul away juicy worm dirt?
I would take it! It takes a long time to make soil that good.