Because "no slash" implies that they have a problem with homosexuality (pretty offensive), rather than a problem with reading sex scenes about themselves (totally understandable).
But does it?
I get the bit where people might be up in arms that they are equating slash with explicit, and that's not so, but how does an aversion to a specific pairing imply homophobia?
Thanks Jessica. That makes a little more sense now.
ETA: Perhaps if they'd said they'd prefer gen fic?
but how does an aversion to a specific pairing imply homophobia?
Well, for one, they didn't say "don't slash us," they said "no slash," period. The way it was originally phrased wasn't objecting to a specific pairing, it was objecting to slash in general. (Again, the result of clumsy writing rather than actual intent - Scalzi said later that it didn't occur to either of them that someone might include other characters in the stories.)
ION, one of my bosses is out for the week - over the weekend his brother was in a very bad motorcycle accident. They're just waiting to pull the plug.
The way it was originally phrased wasn't objecting to a specific pairing, it was objecting to slash in general. (Again, the result of clumsy writing rather than actual intent - Scalzi said later that it didn't occur to either of them that someone might include other characters in the stories.)
I don't know--I guess it looked right away to me like they were saying "don't slash us" because they were presenting you with two characters (and, honestly, if people submit bestiality, I can't see them winning either), and taking it as far as slash==evol is doing work for them.
Oh, tommy, that's horrible.
I still can't get to IM at work, which not only interferes with my ability to talk to my coworker down the hall, but deprives me of my normal rage outlet, shrift.
That's so sad, Tommy. Also I could say it was not good to read the day before the DH leaves for week-long solo motorcycle tour around Oregon, but who am I kidding--I ALWAYS worry about him when he gets on a bike.
I guess it looked right away to me like they were saying "don't slash us" because they were presenting you with two characters
That's how I took it as well.
taking it as far as slash==evol is doing work for them.
Fandom is nothing if not industrious.
I too interpreted their meaning the way that ita did. It seems of the good that they are sensitive to the fact that others had another interpretation and re-phrased.