I should probably fill it out a bit though.
Dear Employers:
We need to have a talk. Things have been okay lately, but not great. I just feel like I'm not getting everything I need out of this relationship. I'm not happy. You're not happy. We need to make a change.
It's not you. It's me. You're great, really. Any employee would be lucky to work for you. It's just that, right now, I'm not sure I can give you everything you want and deserve. And you deserve someone who can give you all that. Really. You do.
I hope we can still be friends. At least check in on each other's Facebook.
All my best,
I was thinking more with statements like.
"I know it will be hard for you to adjust, as I am the nicest, but be strong and you will prevail. Whomever you hire to replace me will never measure up, but I am sure that he/she will have some nice qualities.
Thanks for all the free coffee and for not firewalling b.org."
oh, ChiKat's is good. HA!
Yeah, they're getting a lot of flack from the fannish community over the "no slash" thing. (Turns out they just don't know what slash means and their intent was to say "please no stories where we have sex with each other," but they still haven't actually corrected the page yet.)
ION, Al and Tipper Gore have separated! Nooooooooooo!!
So far, every single thing on my to do list today is paperwork.
?!??!?!?!? oh please no John Edwards-esque scandal. PLEASE!
So far, my idea for the contest is that it's a dream or fantasy of a cat, who happens to be Mr. Bitey.
I don't remember - was Mr. Bitey in the Kick Ass comic? Or just the movie?
they still haven't actually corrected the page yet
Scalzi's page is updated to say nothing explicit.
Forgive a newbie for asking but what is slash vs. what they intended?
eta: never written fanfic, but that pic makes it tempting.
In fanfic, when you use the virgule to separate character names, it indicates a romantic or sexual relationship. It comes from Kirk/Spock, and is where slash got its name.
Also, despite what any crazy people in that comment thread might say, "slash" refers to same-sex relationships, not m/f relationships.