C Booth (I think he's a bit of an idiot), F Morgan (I'll let him work his way through his commitment issues), M Granger.
C Weston (oh, issues), F Booth, M Vaughn (okay, issues, but his are cuter).
Don't know the presidents well enough, know not the Bowies either.
You people dumping Seth Green are on major crack, and I shun you. You'd pick BOREANAZ over Seth? What is your damage?
Hey, Daisy, have you been to the Loft? Eisley is playing there November 27. I'm probably coming home for Thanksgiving and would like to go see them with my brother.
Ooh, that one's easy, because I don't watch NCSI or whatever.
F Reid (cutiehead!)
C McGee
M Eppes (god, the curls and the genius together kill me)
C McGee, F Eppes (eh, you know), M Reid, and snap him like a twig on a nightly basis.
C Abby because I don't watch Ncis
F Lainie frequently
M Garcia