We still have our NC cell numbers. Apparently, as a board, we like to be confusing.
H worked on the bookcases for my office this morning, did some more organizing in his shop building, worked on the bowed door frame and we consulted about a small rainshed roof over the shop door and window. I located some stuff still in boxes to be organized onto the shelves when they're installed, and did mental rearrangement of storage, cleaned the bathroom, and did my treadmill time.
Then we went for a drive on a grey day, watched the clouds roil and reform over the near mountains, drove through spits of rain, and stopped at a local dairy for ice cream. We're about to do a pickup supper of grilled chicken salad and sliced baked ham, with potato salad and rice mac with local dairy maximum sharp cheddar, steamed broc, and organic strawberries for desert, with a lick of sour cream with a pinch of sugar whipped into it.
And then a couple episodes of Doctor Who and Torchwood. There may be popcorn.
I still have a Houston cell phone number.
I have my NYC cell still.
I didn't change my cell phone number from LA until I got the iphone, and the only reason I did it then was because I switched providers.
I plan to keep my old NYC cell #. HA
Wreckx-n-Effexx or whatever horrible spelling. of course.
That sounds like a perfect end to a lovely day, Beverly.
we had a really nice weekend and mac just pulled out the pill card, right at bedtime. ain't it always the way. so my wish of shower and bed? it is ON! because he has hrrrmmphed off to his room defiantly ignoring my instruction to turn off the movie (a NEW one) that he started without telling me. goodnight willful child.
I've been squinting at our property lines and trying in my head to lay out an herb bed. It won't happen this year, but I miss my herbs. We don't get a lot of sunlight, but I'd like to take advantage of what we do get. The neighbors on both sides have planting beds that overlap our lines--the previous owner didn't care. I do. And I want those extra feet back. But I don't want to antagonize nice neighbors, either. So I'm going to work out an informative approach, "I'm just going to move this border edging back to the property line," rather than, "Is it okay if I move this edging that's been here probably as long as the house, thereby reducing the amount of planting space for you but taking back what's mine..." which is my usual cavilling approach.
I'm also trying to decide what plants I want, which ones will grow in this climate and survive overwintering. We don't really use what I grow in cooking so much as I just enjoy sitting in the sun amid the plants, or walking through them, and drowning in the dizzying array of scents.
I think the informative approach is best.
Mmm, herbs.