BOXES WERE THERE! WHoot! Seriously happy. 6 large boxes (shipping large items from Buy buy baby) and two small ones, plus a garbage bag full of packing paper.
mac is finishing up a Pokemon movie. poor noodle, it had him in tears on the subway ride and he just cannot take comforting when he gets sad.
All I want to do is shower and go to bed.
Please tell me that whoever suggested the drug name that sounds exactly like "ass effects" was joking. I mean, really.
I've always heard it "ace-effex"
The ad on TV says "ass" for sure.
The guys went to Christopher Elbow's brand new artisanal ice cream store in KC, brought back pints. Um. Creme fraiche ice cream, Vietnamese cinnamon and dark Venezulan chocolate.
It's possible that I made a grave mistake moving away from KC. I love Elbow's chocolates!
I had that same reaction about two Natter threads ago, Jesse. It's still boggling.
Please tell me that whoever suggested the drug name that sounds exactly like "ass effects" was joking. I mean, really.
Given that I keep seeing ads for it, nobody got the joke.
And I cannot take them seriously at ALL. It's worse than the ads for the Universal Technical Institute. Because UTI can change your life.
I'm visiting my parents this weekend, and for once, I have control of the TV remote because everybody else is either sleeping or not paying attention, and of the 200+ channels we get here, the best choices I can find are Footloose and Clueless. Which do I want to watch?
The answer is always Clueless.
I just want the ass effects medicine to be stuff like "makes your gas smell like roses" "festive sparkler farts for July 4th" "Hydrolics IN YOUR ASS".