So sleepover was a success, only a wee mac being mac this morning. They went and got a basketball goal for him this morning and it is now in our driveway. awesome.
He and I watched some tv together and then he went over to play with the neighbor and promptly lost his shit. About an hour of shit losing including: locking me out of the house, taking my phone and money from my purse, letting a cat outside, threatening to run away, screaming. Then a big cry and we're all done, got lunch and he's playing with neighbor again. The cause? neighbor has a new game for the DS.
Now I am just holding on until 4 when the Ranger game will be on. Do more cleaning until then. 2 loads of laundry done, and need to do 2 more. Also would like to either do some weeding or get started on one of the furniture projects.
Man, that DS sure is trouble. Oy.
I don't know anything about ICP on purpose.
But that meme site reminded me! The other day, my coworker said, the cake is a lie, and I didn't know what that was. Actually, she said, "It's an internet meme," and I was like, "I don't know what that means. I mean, I know what an internet meme is! Just not that one." Heh.
Huh. And I had no idea "The cake is a lie" had broken out beyond Portal fans. Kinda cool, but also kind of a bummer as it is no longer a reliable method of identifying other Portal fans.
I had no idea "The cake is a lie" had broken out beyond Portal fans.
I picked it up via Jonathan Coulton - never played the game.
I more or less discovered Jonathan Coulton because of the game and the song.
I picked it up from one of the Old Spice vids.
Whew. Ish. The old lady across the courtyard was moved out by her kids. Not good, since it was because she was overwhelmed by Alzheimer's, but not the worst case scenario I'd been fearing.
She was the only person here I ever spoke to.
The pot smoking site also has this article about how the Golden Girls turn a generation of american men into homosexuals.
Not true. We already were—it just made it easier to identify us by dint of our watching. See also: the show's spiritual successor, Sex and the City.
The Old Spice guy said the cake is a lie?
Okay, this is completely alien to me. Is this a generational thing? A US thing? A southern thing?