Oz has developed some annoying new litterbox habits. He's been pooping in one box and peeing in the other. If the poop box is at all dirty, as it was today, he poops on the floor, even though the otehr box is near empty. He's a weirdo.
I've heard sometimes cats will distinguish poop/pee boxes. So I'm guessing that just leads into the second unfortunate behavior.
My cats have a "mark" box. The box they don't really like using, but someone's got to let everyone know it's his box, so there's always just the one or two pees in it?
I just...when we were dreaming and planning it seemed so far off. Now we've had our shots , first hotel in Mumbai booked, met with the travel agent and worked out an itnerary and getting supplies, I'm all OMG!!! Remember when I wouldn't go to an F2F in a city where I didn't already know people?
As an aside, Jon just got his dad's camera back from the shop. The one that went with them to Israel and Jordan and now with us to India. He is redic excited about it.
I'm wearing a grey shirt.
I'd totally buy that Monopoly game, ita.
So miss The Wire...Leverage helps a little, but it's like methadone.I like to see them stick it to the fat cats, yay, but it's not as deep.
OTOH, it's never made me cry yet.
Daisy, I so completely understand.
I am very relieved that I'm in between large projects at work because right now I am obsessing over next month's Paris trip and Giants play-off baseball!! I am also thankful for my present boss who understands Pennant and Paris fever, and for my ex-boss who has given me a ticket to attend tomorrow night Game 2 of the play-offs!
India is very exciting!
That is a lot of crowd; I haven't spotted the Scola, yet.
Love the Monopoly game. "Omar's Coming", heh. And 2 Jails. Very clever. I might've gone with Proposition Joe rather than Marlo on the other corner, though.
That's super exciting, Daisy!
Love the Monopoly game. "Omar's Coming", heh. And 2 Jails. Very clever. I might've gone with Proposition Joe rather than Marlo on the other corner, though.
I think it works since he's the opposite, rival corner from Avon.
I'm at the Barnes and Noble, to see a talk with Bryan Lee O'Malley and Neil Gaiman!
That is an awesome combination.
Congrats, bon! I should send you Tom Waits' stage patter about being back in the Wilshire district, "Land of Wigs and Novelties."
Yay, Daisy! I'm so excited for you! Don't get dyssentary!
Prezzies are always nice.
Indeed. Emmett gets out early on Thursday, and today was Matilda's first time at the new school without me. So I rewarded them both. Collected her after lunch, but before nap. Drove over and got him, and then we headed back over the bridge but shot past SF to go to the Hillsdale Mall which has both a Lego and Disney store.
Got Emmett a belated birthday present (The Burrow, from the new Harry Potter Lego sets). And got Matilda her long promised Jessie and Bullseye dolls (from Toy Story). Emmett bought her some very cute Beauty and the Beast shoes with red roses on the toses. Then we ate at In N Out Burger. I'm kinda stuffed.
So, the Giants actually had the balls to sit Zito from the ALDS. I think it is a good decision, but am kinda shocked the Giants actually did it. He can be an AMAZING pitcher but, even before he moved from the A's to the Giants, he is SO inconsistant. When he is on, it is lights out, but when he is off, it is ugly. There is nothing in the middle.
He said exactly the right thing about it, "I'm pissed at myself for not cracking that rotation." Which isn't as good as having an ace for your $126 million dollar contract, but at least he's team-first and not an asshole.