This is me. I remember highlights, but not day-to-day stuff.
I think very few people can remember their day-to-day stuff of their childhood.
I've always found memory very fascinating, even before I was old enough to attend school. I remember when I was about four, wondering why I remembered some stuff on some days but not other days. I figured out that having an emotional reaction to something that happened was the reason people remembered old stuff as opposed to just forgetting it.
I remember various scenes and images from my childhood, but little else at this point. Although for some of it I wonder whether it was real or not.
Scola, you're the bravest man I've ever met.
What I remember as very specific instances where the conversations seem very clear to me and even visuals from the rooms or clothing - those are the early childhood memories people most often dispute with me. It seems how I remember things at that age was not so often the reality.
As for lost memories, whole chunks of college are in an alcohol fog. Do not remember classes, people, or events from whole chunks of Junior year.
Although for some of it I wonder whether it was real or not.
ha! Yes, I have that too. Apparently my childhood dreams and memories feel the same. I can apply logic to some of them - for instance, I am fairly certain that my parents did not allow us to form a human chain down into the storm drain to retrieve a tennis ball.
I remember various scenes and images from my childhood, but little else at this point. Although for some of it I wonder whether it was real or not.
When I was younger I was really proud of how far back I could remember. Like I remember stuff from when I was 2 or 3 and still sleeping in a crib in my parents' bedroom. Except I think I'm just remembering remembering that stuff at this point....
I read somewhere that every time you remember something, the memories can change. Memory is weird, and not as trustworthy as most people think.
Yeah. Your brain rebuilds it every time. People have been tricked into "remembering" stuff that never happened when researchers showed them photos with themselves photoshopped in.
It's hysterical some of the things my sister reminds me of that I've completely blanked. At least one of them I did to make my life simpler, but it was something that had a huge impact on her.
Other stuff, like the gripey letter I wrote to Fox about their Melrose Place gay non-kiss, I managed to completely forget about for years, but apparently has been sitting near the top of her memory for forever.
And then, there is university. The stoners remember more than I do. I have no idea why that is.
Ah. Here's the show where I learned that [link]