I bet an argument could be made that any Caribbean resort is likely to be playing reggae for the tourists
That was over the location title card though, which was what bothered me the most. And it's a famous song--it's off the Harder They Come soundtrack. They later used more reggae, and it was better integrated.
Shit, I gotta go peel paint. I am so done with today.
I seriously think that at some point, someone painted the walls AND ceiling a slightly greener painter-tape blue and STRIPED the banisters. OY. Really?
Our custom Lego Kick-Ass.
You are the best mom EVER!
My kids make it easy, sometimes, Teppy.
My hair is long enough finally to put in wee pigtails!
This is what I'm waiting for! Trying and trying...
Yay Kathy for surgery! But OMG, 7 weeks of liquid diet? I'd kill someone by the end of that! WTF is that for?? Does it make you lose weight, or clear out your insides, or shrink your stomach, or what?
smonster, I guess the good news is, that person will no longer be working with you for much longer?
WTF is that for?? Does it make you lose weight, or clear out your insides, or shrink your stomach, or what?
Multiple reasons: lose weight (to reduce the weight on the lungs during the surgery), lessen the amount of fatty deposits on the liver and kidneys, and to get mentally used to having to subsist on liquid or liquid-y diet for at least a month after the surgery.
I'm having a delivery burger right now, with a piece of cheesecake for dessert. The diet starts tomorrow.
and to get mentally used to having to subsist on liquid or liquid-y diet for at least a month after the surgery.
Right. Cause the best way to get through a month on a liquid diet is to....already have been on it for 7 weeks.
Crap. Had a BAD night tonight. I mean, yeah the kids were pests, but they are usually pests when they get home from school. But I could NOT deal tonight and lost my temper. feh.
Thank goodness for my DH. He's gone to pick up cheap neighborhood sushi for dinner, to try and repair the damage done by the meal with the kids.
Well, after the surgery, I won't have an option on what to eat/drink, because physically, I won't be able to intake anything else.
My surgeon does do this differently than my sister's did. She ate regularly up to the day before the surgery. Mine determines the length of the pre-surgery diet on the patient's BMI--since mine is so high, I have to do it for 7 weeks.