and I thought the same thing you did about why they weren`t saying who it was.
Okay, so I wasn't necessarily overreacting then. They really weren't saying who it was for a while for whatever reason.
I mean, not to sound like Eliot Spencer but it was a very distinctive livery. You could see whose car it was. Well, that the pieces were.
Oh yeah, not overreacting at all. I knew who it was and I haven`t been following this year. And then they were bouncing around so much to victory lane that I hadn`t been able to see any movement in the cockpit myself. So when they weren`t saying who it was I was worried. I always breathe a sigh of relief when they get to the end with no major injuries and I thought maybe they weren`t saying so as not to taint the victory. It was scary. But they`re saying leg injury (probably a pretty bad leg injury I`d guess) but not life-threatening and he never passed out. When I saw that thing flipping I was worried for him and the other cars. It`s amazing a car can come apart like that and the driver be reasonably ok, but I guess it`s just doing what it`s supposed to, absorbing the shock.
I have never seen FtbYaM or Really Rosie.
I haven't seen either either, but we had the Really Rosie record when I was little, which means my parents likely still do. And I think an accompanying book. Carole King singing, Maurice Sendak illustrations, no?
We must have had a FtbYaM album because I know many of the songs. I think my brother saw it.
I'm sure there's some video thing, but I definitely think of them both as records.
Carole King singing, Maurice Sendak illustrations, no?
Oh you guys! I saw a book for sale yesterday called "Carrots Love Tomatoes," and I all I could think was, Shouldn't that be "tomatoes like carrots"?
I have that book, and it's companion Roses Love Garlic. It's a kinky world out there in the garden.
All this nostalgia sent me into the depths of the interwebs trying to find video proof of some wretched warm fuzzies movie I saw as a small child. Alas, nothing that is what I remember only the sappy story-book it was based on. BUT! I did find something I have searched for many times before - a song that haunts me on a regular basis (video link at the end): [link]