parent fail this morning - I yelled at mac to "shut up and watch your damn tv show then, stop talking back to me." le sigh. Not only do angels lose their wings, I think they actually die.
ION - Thank you flea for the rec. I have entered my bank and cc info and was able to throw away approx eleventybillion debit/credit card receipts.
I should work, but I don't wanna and I have many hours worth of work to do on personal stuff. My job may just have to eat it for today.
Electronics recycling.
Are you getting rid of that Mac I never took off your hands?
Sorry, that's already been claimed.
I'm glad it got a good home.
Between my computer continuing to hang in there, my fear of putting ONE MORE DAMN THING in my room, and my TERROR of getting a zip car and driving the thing in Brooklyn that was an inevitabilty.
Oh and my feeling like a spaz with macs.
What are people doing this weekend?
Hopefully catching a couple of movies. Also, catching up on DVR stuff. Pretty low key, as the rest of October is going to be busy on the weekends.
I have no weekend plans, aside from the usual. Maybe see The Town, maybe do some shopping. Laundry, of course.
Resetting my sleep migraine debt, I hope. Other than that, and maybe tidying my bedroom, I got nothing planned.
Watching more Leverage
Highlights in my hair
I'm cleaning, sleeping, and planning some classes. Maybe synagogue. Maybe painting some furniture. Maybe finally buying a loveseat. Maybe finally bringing some stuff to Goodwill. Probably buying a lamp for my bedroom.