I tend to throw all my mail, apart from stuff like books, dvds and such, into my napsack and deal with all of it at work during down time (including paying my bills). We have a shredder in every copy room, as well as a locked bin for volume shredding/recycling, so it's just easier than dealing with it at home.
I must say, though I don't enjoy paying bills, I enjoy my bills being paid (after several years of stretching the due dates to near breaking point), so I like staying on top of them as much as possible and ASAP.
I recycle the stuff that doesn't need to be filed. And then I don't file the stuff that needs to be filed. I'm
Blessings on the Turks for inventing coffee.
Huh. I thought coffee was first discovered by the Ethiopians. Not sure who came up with brewing it, however.
I had like 3 other things to say, but I don't remember what they were. My brain is gooey.
I recycle the stuff that doesn't need to be filed. And then I don't file the stuff that needs to be filed. I'm trying.
Hey, that's our system too. Plus we collect old New Yorkers like hoarders.
I try to keep a trash bag right by the table, so that I can toss junk mail immediately. Catalogs get moved to the bedroom for perusing when I have a few minutes. Bills go into my briefcase to get paid when I'm at work. (unfortunately paid bills come back home to get filed and end up back on the table).
I have a cardboard magazine box for New Yorkers, and when it is full, the older half are ruthlessly taken to the reading room at work.
Plus we collect old New Yorkers like hoarders.
I'm imagining you have bon bon in a cage in your living room.
I keep everything in the mailbox until my mail person leaves me a note that he will stop delivering mail. Then I chuck it all in the garbage after fishing out my threads magazine and any personal mail.
I'm so shaky right now. Still have a fever (although it's gone down to 100.2), and am still running to the bathroom every 60-90 minutes, and I've only had a few sips of water so far today. Not interested in actual food.
Oh, man, Kathy. Poor you! Do you have anything like Gatorade around? Or broth?