Okay, what is the song starting at 1:30 from the end? (Signed, look, I am OLD, people. I am sure it is totally obvious.)
It's a T.I. song feat. Rhianna, I'm pretty sure. And it's got that Numa Numa or whatever You Tube kid thing in it. The song is "Live your life" or something.
Edit: It IS Rihanna! The video is here: [link]
Rihanna, Jesse. All the cool kids know that¹.
OMG, I can't stay awake. What am I thinking, life drawing this evening? Also, I'm apparently the only person signed up other than the organiser. Hrrm.
¹: I expect to pay for that shortly.
It was a typo! And/or a mental block. I fixed it once.
Man, I forgot about that song. I like it!
Seriously, for a while I wondered if there was another singer I just didn't know about. I am mos def not one of the cool kids.
OK, they just announced liberal leave. Really? REALLY??!? I mean, it is a fuckton of rain, but we've had actual hurricanes that were worse. And the schools closed early, which I think is ridiculous too.
Oy, the execs had their quarterly meeting last week and I haven't heard a thing from any of them since. I am getting odd vibes. My DH tells me I am paranoid and I totally AM as I think I am going to be fired every month or so, but job-keeping vibes would be appreciated.
Good luck, Scrappy!
Sara, I would think rain would be something to wait out inside? Rather than go out into it? Or am I crazy?
I know I'm a little crazy, because I have weird love for T.I.
I think burgundy heels go with a green shirt, FYI. Esp. forest green or emerald.
I am plowing through a metric shitton of old bills and mail. You know all that advice that ends with the dire warning: "or you'll end up with a pile of mail unopened on a flat surface somewhere!"?
Yeah, we're that cautionary tale. I've tossed about 2 feet into the paper recycling bin.
Now for a logical way to organize it all...
Oh god, I have to learn how to use Gimp now. This is so not the morning for it.