I just tried a new stylist, and went back for the dry cut the other day (free in between cuts). She was a little cheaper than my old one, but I picked her based on yelp reviews, and because I wasn't feeling the last few cuts I'd gotten from the other woman.
But I always tip 20% to haircuts and massages and nails. I just figure that's gotta be a decent tip--I don't want to be the customer they bitch about! The thing I get puzzled about is the "free" cuts in between (my old stylist did them too). Sometimes it's just a bit of bang or neck trim, but for example this time, she did a little more, since it had been the first cut and she wanted to see how it was going. I tipped $10 (I think the original cut was $70 plus tip?) but couldn't decide if that was good or bad.
I got the insomnia fairy tonight. I hope everyone else is sleeping (at least, during the appropriate time slot in their time zone).
Damn, it's 2 a.m.
Insomnia fairy has visited Colorado also. Gah.
I finally watched an episode of Hoarders. OMFG. I feel like my place is a mess but I'm sparkling compared to the people they profiled. Wow!
Question--where do we discuss the Good Wife? (DO we discuss?)
Also--I just randomly emailed two cute girls on OKCupid. Who are not geographically compatible. One just to say "Aww, thumbs up, your profile is awesome and you are adorable" (she's in LA! Do we know butch loving femmes in LA? Cause she's hot), and one...I have no idea why (I mean, she's hot and her profile is all that, but....um...it's not like she would date me from a few states away).
I promise that I am going to close the laptop and try to sleep, yet again, as soon as I hit POST.
At least I have been productive. A friend and I are making a banner for our dojo to take to tournament. Tonight I marked out all the spacing on it. Tomorrow I stencil in the letters and then figure out how to copy the logo. Saturday my friend and I will ink in everything.
Oh, and Google's home page is cool today.
I got the insomnia fairy tonight. I hope everyone else is sleeping (at least, during the appropriate time slot in their time zone).
I fell asleep on the couch at around 9:30, and woke up five hours later. I went into the bathroom, and decided to check my temperature since I'm definitely not feeling good. Yep, got a fever of 100.5--yay. And I can't call in sick today due to a co-worker being on vacation for the week. I think I'll go in, do my morning document load, and then come home if my body doesn't bounce back, since I'm really tired, my back is killing me, and my stomach is a bit queasy.
Definitely don't go in anymore than you absolutely HAVE to (and I vote not at all). A fever is serious stuff.
My office is only five miles away, so I can pop in, do my morning stuff, and pop back out again, getting home an hour after I leave. I did that last Monday when i was just really tired, so I'm reluctant to do it again ten days later now that I'm really sick, but oh well.
Great--now I've got heartburn; acid in the back of my throat is adding to my queasiness. I'm going to wait until that goes away before going back to sleep, this time in bed.
Have a good night, Spidra!!