I used to have good bags under my eyes. Nicely darkly coloured. I liked those. These days, I get crap sleep, and my whole face just puffs right up. Much less dramatic. Don't like anywhere near as much.
Developer 1 will do just about
to get out of a meeting. He's pretty much at parody level right now. I need to stop talking to him anywhere within fifteen minutes of a meeting.
I had an excellent lunch! A place near my work does a lunch special on Wednesdays- soup, sandwich, salad, and drink for $12. The soup was awesome- a chicken parmesan broth with both roasted and sundried tomato and a poached egg. The sandwich was grilled cheese, which, YUM. The salad was a salad. But simple and tasty. My beverage was sweet ice tea.
I am having a frozen diet chicken and cheese quesadilla. It's actually kinda good.
I have lost 12 lbs since August 9. Got another 15 to go. I am loving the calorie app I am using: [link] Just tell it how much you wanna lose and over what time frame and it tells you how many calories you should eat each day. So easy. You pick what and when you eat. I had a light breakfast yesterday so I could have the grilled fruit over ice cream my DH made last night for dessert. Yum!
Go you, Scrappy!
The soup was awesome- a chicken parmesan broth with both roasted and sundried tomato and a poached egg.
I could totally make that! I am on a roasted tomato kick. Not that I've eaten any, but I have made some!
When I sleep badly, it is obvious that I sleep on my side, because one eye looks hollowed out and the other one is puffy. Sexy.
Localistas know what I mean and are envying me right now.
Indeed I am. And now I'm considering dinner plans, though I really, really shouldn't.
Lamborghini's new concept car would make a great Batmobile.