but it suggests that dress rehearsal isn't important, which is not correct.
Doesn't it mainly just imply that there isn't an afterlife? It's not that the dress rehearsal isn't important, it's that there isn't one. There's only the (metaphorical) performance. (Which is presumably one-night-only, though I suppose if you believe in infinite reincarnation it could be read differently.)
Doesn't it mainly just imply that there isn't an afterlife?
That's what I always think of, but I don't think most people who use the phrase mean that.
I got a quote on the asbestos removal (which has to be done separately from the furnace replacement) that's about 1/3 of what I expected it to be. Downside is this particular company can't do it until the end of October, which is farther out than I want.
Bourbon and Branch Fall Menu
Though, having discovered Cure here has been fun. When we went for my birthday I had:
"Cease & Desist" (Maksym Pazuniak)
Carpano Punt e Mes, Rittenhouse Bonded Rye, Fernet Branca, Orange Peel
"William Wisecracker" (Danny Valdez)
Evan Williams Single Barrel, Cynar, Demerara Sugar, Lemon, Maraschino Liqueur, Mint
And Tom had:
"Trouble & Desire" (Mike Yusko)
El Dorado 5YR Rum, Smith & Cross Navy Strength Rum, Licor 43, Carpano Antica Vermouth, Orange Peel
Yeah, but the dress rehearsal is precisely the one where you're doing your damnedest to rock it like there's a paying audience.
Yeah. It's later in the run where people start to coast. "Life isn't a show late in the run where closing has been announced and half these ass-holes are too busy worrying about their next gig and are phoning this shit in" just doesn't roll off the tongue though.
"Life isn't a show late in the run where closing has been announced and half these ass-holes are too busy worrying about their next gig and are phoning this shit in" just doesn't roll off the tongue though.
There's also "Life isn't that rehearsal a few days before you have to be off book but the blocking is just about done and the costume designer was supposed to be by to measure everyone but couldn't make it so you're all just drinking coffee and faffing around seeing who can turn their half-remembered lines into the most gleefully moronic single entendre theatre," but that's even windier.
Does kind of sound like my life, though.
Is that an American thing, or do I speak funny inside my head?
It's an Australian thing too. Beyond that, I feel unqualified to comment on the quality of your cranial acoustics.
Doesn't it mainly just imply that there isn't an afterlife? It's not that the dress rehearsal isn't important, it's that there isn't one. There's only the (metaphorical) performance. (Which is presumably one-night-only, though I suppose if you believe in infinite reincarnation it could be read differently.)
Yeah, I've only ever taken it as "you don't get a second chance to do things, so do them now!"
So, does anyone else have some random platitude that totally rubs them the wrong way because the more you think about it the more totally wrong it seems?
"Everything happens for a reason."