wow, yuck day all around - sorry for everyone.
mac is just NOT HAVING it. He is holed up in his room playing the DS. He knows this means no DS tomorrow, but as I am not willing to physically fight him, he gets to play now. At some point he will fall asleep and I need to have emotionally psyched myself up by then to be the parent who sneaks in and takes toys, again.
I am kinda in this no emotion space because I really do not have the emotionally whatever to have or deal with a blow-up. I just talked with my parents and I think they hear depression in my voice. I am sure there is some of that, but I think this is more survival mode for me. I am convinced the whole month will be like this, so I need to reserve every type of strength.
anyhoo - since he is hiding in his room, I had pie for my snack. Now I should think about dinner. Maybe biscuits.
I'm sure rum is good for you.
Maybe not so much for Grace.
My excitement for the day, after a long day of driving with family (and eating fried food, yay), was seeing the outside of my office from the highway for the first time. People are always talking about it, and all I could do is smile and nod. So now I know!
whoot! just got rid of some juice glasses and canning jars. no money, but stuff gone gone gone.
Kay, I can't even begin to imagine the stress and complications.
msbelle, yay for more stuff gone!
Frankie is STILL zonked from the dog park! I love it! I'm watching Prisoner of Azkaban of ABC fam.
I skimmed. I'm back in Colorado and still tuckered from the long drive. So much happened in the two days I was offline. My heart is with all of you. I wish I had Meara'ed as I went along. ~ma.
Well said, Typo Boy.
I think I learned the phrase "survival skills" because my mom would sometimes say if I had any, I wouldn't let her see me for a while.
Or is there no molasses rum connection?
They're both stops on the sugar product train.
I know the general rule is "don't read the comments" but sometimes you find places where the commenters aren't insane...and then just the right topic comes up and either the idiots come out of the woodwork or people start showing their asses. It's quite depressing. And in this place, it seems to be race that sets everyone off. Hmmph.
My sister and her BF are coming over soon. I need to get off my butt and clean up the house. She was at the old farmhouse in TN all week, and came back with a vanload of stuff (again). Now I have my grandfather's oak corner cabinet (triangular shaped cupboard, fits in a corner) tucked behind the sofa, and a walnut library stand/bookcase, also made by my grandfather, in the dining room to replace the ugly little bookcase that was there. I've been wanting those two pieces forever, and I'm glad to finally have them in my house. I wish I felt better today, but I just want to sleep and cry.