I totally had an Ugly Naked Guy neighbor for a while, a la Friends.
We do too! Across the street. Although I haven't seen him in a while. He used to walk around his living room talking on the phone, with music blaring and curtains open, while naked.
Someone just complimented me on my tan! That's never happened to me before in my life...although I do tan pretty well. She's super pale so is jealous, evidently. Really I was trying not to tan so much this year because I don't want wacky tanlines for my wedding! But I think it's a lost cause. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that.
Not going outside in daylight also works. I skulk from shade to shade during the summer.
I'm a little bit ticked off right now. Mom just called me here at work to ask if I'm having money problems. I assured her I'm not, and she said she had just gotten a phone call on her home line asking for me in reference to an outstanding bill. When she asked for contact info after telling the woman that I've not only never lived at her house, I'd never lived on the East Coast and was a Midwesterner, the woman refused to give her any info and hung up.
If I do have an outstanding bill I don't know about, why the hell wouldn't they call me on my home phone? It isn't like I'm not listed, and any bills would have been generated from either this address or maybe my last one 30 miles away but still local, so they would know how to reach me either way.
Now I'm concerned I do have a bill that I'm going to get slammed with...
Really I was trying not to tan so much this year because I don't want wacky tanlines for my wedding! But I think it's a lost cause. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that.
Tan naked. Get rid of the tan lines.
Also that I usually dress in capris and a t-shirt, which looks kinda silly with a pretty parasol.
I have an regular looking umbrella with a silvered lining that's supposed to help protect from the sun. It looks much better with casual clothes than a fancy parasol. But it's not as pretty or twirly.
Kathy, it sounds like a scam. Still upsetting.
Kathy, could there be someone else with your name with bad credit? Collection agencies will call around looking for people to anyone with the same last name.
It's a scam. Similar to this one [link]
Tan naked. Get rid of the tan lines.
I wish I had a place I could do that!
My tan this year was acquired through bike riding alone. So I have lines marking where my jersey sleeves and my bike shorts ended. Sexay!
go get a spray on for the wedding.