At first, we thought the niece shutting him out was her being 16 years old and going through the pains of having divorced parents, but it's going on far too long for that,
Six months doesn't seem that long for a teen to be angry at a cheating parent, TBH. It doesn't mean that someone is manipulating her behind the scenes.
Oh, what a horrible situation, Kathy.
Devi, MK, and Dita are all very cute.
Tivo let me down--what happened in the first 5 minutes of Glee?
Why are they
at the other school?
The main reason I'm thinking the ex is behind at least some of it is the youngest son's reaction. He's been friendly with Bro and great with Mom until just a few months ago, when he suddenly went into shutdown. A few weeks ago, Mom stopped by their house to take my niece somewhere and decided to bring her new dog by so that my nephew could meet her and play a bit, which he did with great joy and lovingly talked to Mom. Last week, she went with Bro to nephew's baseball game and walked with the dog by the dugout after the game was done, where she was shutout completely by nephew as if that visit at the house (where the X wasn't there, unlike at the game) never happened. Seems whenever his mom is around, he's not willing to talk to anyone on my brother's side of the family.
Maybe that is his choice, maybe he's just aping his sister, I don't know. But that email to the lawyers is making me question his ex's motives.
Oh, well, I've got to get to bed soon. I just hope something works out soon for everyone involved.
Amy Acker
on the Good Wife! Neat.
Six months doesn't seem that long for a teen to be angry at a cheating parent, TBH. It doesn't mean that someone is manipulating her behind the scenes.
Yeah, especially at the age when one is figuring out love and sex and cheating for themselves. Not to go straight to Freud, but it might be noteworthy that she went with "Fuck off." Kids are prone to taking things personally at the best of times, nevermind when they're lining up with a developmental stage of their own.
Youngest son could be following his sister's lead or maybe he's hit a wall of his own -- he tried to get along with everyone but now he's feeling betrayed or something along those lines.
Sad times, Kathy. I hope they all work through it soon.
Ugh, what a mess, Kathy.
I am tired. And scared of how tired I'm going to be tomorrow. Ah well. This is what I get for Doing Things.
Jesus christ. For reasons unknown, I woke up early and was in by 8. Which is good, because someone just jumped the gun on the install plan in a holygod bad way OR someone didn't follow procedure and notify the distribution list as to what steps had been completed. FOLLOW THE FUCKING PLAN.
I wish I was going to be in Columbus for this. A zombie walk for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. The theme? Raising the Dead to Feed the Living. Love it.