I am now ensconced in a suite in one of those kind of extended stay places. Holy crap, y'all. This place is possibly bigger than the first apartment my husband and I had. I almost wish I was staying here longer so I could enjoy it all.
At least I don't have to be back at the airport godawful early. I'm missing another day of work, but I'll make up the time at some point. I am going to sleep, wake up in time to go eat free breakfast, and then possibly go back to bed.
K took Noah to urgent care about an hour ago because his fever spiked to 106F. To me, that's brain damage levels. I hate worrying.
He and K have been in Urgent Care for 5 hours already. His fever abated but it's back to 104 now. He's been seen and is negative for strept but they are doing bloodwork. He's exhausted and K has been awake for 24 hours now and is supposed to go back into work today.
He's not the one who is supposed to be sick.
Poor Noah and his parents! I hope he is feeling better soon.
Oh man - kat, all good thoughts to you all.
much ma to Kat, Noah and K-- get that fever down, baby!
Kat, much strength to all of you.