It was so narrow that my bed pushed back under a built-in vinyl-covered cushion to make a sofa during the not-sleeping times.
Two years in Cole, one in McGill. (We obviously lived in the same dorm, some years apart. They were built with war surplus materials to house the GI Bill students and the heat never quite made it to the third floor. All their flaws were offset by not having a roommate.)
I was reading Megan's going "wait there was somewhere else that had a setup with 5 person apartments where one person got the single? How weird!"
I was in a three-person suite with one single and one double. I had the single, thank dog. All the other rooms in the building were singles, but this one was formerly the infirmary.
When my mother was in college, they had maids.
We had that too!
One of the other dorms on campus was formerly an old folks home and so a lot of the beds were those high hospital beds with wheels. It was also at the top of a very large hill. The combination of those factors led to some Very Bad Ideas being put into practice on a semi-regular basis.
When my mother was in college, they had maids.
We had maids! Once a week they came and vaccummed and emptied the trash. Often they also made my bed, even though that wasn't part of what they were supposed to do.
It was so narrow that my bed pushed back under a built-in vinyl-covered cushion to make a sofa during the not-sleeping times.
Ooh, we had those! I forgot about that. Possibly because I was in a big room, so it wasn't really necessary.
We had maids! Once a week they came and vaccummed and emptied the trash. Often they also made my bed, even though that wasn't part of what they were supposed to do.
And brought fresh sheets! Canada, man. Nice.
And brought fresh sheets! Canada, man. Nice.
Huh. I guess I mighta had maids too, huh?
My first roommate and I got along well enough, but we were different. 2nd roommate, we were close but she had a really hard year. She went and lived with other girls her second yea, but we remained pretty close until she transferred to an all girl school. and my 3rd roomate and i were pretty good friends, but we lost touch. I'd say my roommate experiences were pretty good. The hardest person to live with, my DH. Because we are close. So conflicts are sometimes unexpected. and more intense.
I never lived in the dorms at McGill, so I don't know. This was at Trent. If anywhere did though, I'd have expected it to be RVC.
If anywhere did though, I'd have expected it to be RVC.
I have no clear memories of washing my own sheets. I really should remember that stuff. I also can't remember cleaning my own floors.
That said, there's a lot about University I don't remember. And I don't even have drugs or booze to blame for it. Just age.
amyth and I could identify a few of these writers, but not all. I know the hivemind can do it... [link]
eta nevermind, found it on Whedonesque. >[link]