Today: headache, clogged sinuses, lazy, approaching thunderstorm. Does barometric pressure affect mood/physical wellbeing? I'm starting to think yes.
I would say yes. Particularly as it affects sinuses. I always feel like my cranium is a giant barometer.
I did buy the El Vetica t-shirt, and I wore it last night. About 2 people got it and laughed their asses off (one guy offered me money for the shirt; I told him there is such a thing as internet commerce, where he could exchange money for his very own t-shirt), and a couple others asked me about it but when I explained, they gave me the Okay-Crazy-Lady look.
Who doesn't find typography jokes funny?!? I mean, really!
Now we're headed out to a jazz concert and I need to wear something nicer than the El Vetica t-shirt. This is unfair.