OMG y'all - my current neighborhood has a couple of online group thingies, a yahoo group that is mostly family focused and a site someone built themselves that is more general neighborhood/commercially focused, both are just really good places to find out about new businesses, get a recommendation for services, update about issues (people report crimes, trash problems..), sell or give-away items - there are occasional blow-ups, but no big deal.
I went on yahoo groups looking for a similar group in the area I am moving to, mostly all I found were recycle/freecycle groups - nice but not really what I was looking for. Then I found one called (area name) Moms - not so inclusive, but the description said SAHM and Working moms and seemed ok. BUT, you knew this was coming, it is a moderated and closed group, so when I said I was interested in joining I was sent 2 emails. The first is a set of RULES - you have to post at least once a week, you have to attend an event within a certain tiem of joining, responding to polls is MANDATORY. There is more, but CRAZY. I think I may start a group called (area name) families just to see if it would take off.
I have always been able to get in the supermarkets something that sounds like a Mallowmar, a cookie type base, marshmallow fluff on top, dipped in dark chocolate. My Google-fu is failing me, but I could go to my supermarket right now and find it in the cookie aisle. They're called Whirlwinds under one brand, and I could have sworn Keebler had another type. Or it's Nabisco.
Re Paeleo diet: Buncha wimps. Someone following a REAL paleolithic diet would have termite grubs in that meat locker! Plus bear liver for that overdose-of-vitamin-A high!
I ordered a bunch of meat from Omaha Steaks (I had a coupon, don't judge me (no, go ahead and judge, it's the only way I'll learn)), and it just arrived. Freezer tetris has ensued.
Didn't paleolithic humans live to be about 30? Why are we trying to replicate that lifestyle again?
Umm if you got good meat at good prices I guess the judgement is "you are awesome". I mean you are not claiming to eat a caveman or cavelady diet...
maybe the hipsters will start dying younger?
Didn't paleolithic humans live to be about 30? Why are we trying to replicate that lifestyle again?
Because it is "natural". Like gonorrhea.
maybe the hipsters will start dying younger?
Ooh, cheap real estate again in Williamsburg!