I'll own up that I'm neurotic and weird about Lillian's hair, largely because it's never been cut, and I'd be totally off the rails irrational if something happened to it.
I finally cut Ellie's hair at 3.5 only because it was so dry on the ends that it was leading to lots of tangles and fights. So I get why she's upset because I would have been very upset if someone had cut her hair before I did. But there's no reason to keep mentioning it to you. That's passive-aggressive guilt-mongering and certainly shouldn't be passed on to Liv. Again - I blame the mom. She should have been supervising her child. What if they'd found something more dangerous than scissors?
eta: And when I say I blame the mom, I'm not sure anyone should really be blamed. But if the mom insists on saddling someone with guilt, she is the one responsible.
ION: Has everyone seen the Eve-with-the-apple Caprica promos (by which I mean web placements). Does it look horribly photoshopped a la Ralph Lauren to anyone else?
That mother is someone I would have no need to continue to associate with. I mean honestly, a 3 year old with access to scissors is asking for trouble, and putting her neurosis on you is all wrong.
ETA: Plei, do you think it would upset you if Lily cut her own hair?
I made it to Chipotle time! And they stopped talking Java! But my doctor hasn't called in my refill yet, and there's little point leaving for home unless I can pick that up on the way. At least I'm still being useful in the meeting.
At least I think I am. I really can't shut up. I have a problem keeping my thoughts to myself.
I've seen the Caprica ad but I'm not familiar with the Ralph Lauren ad. . . or at least, I don't remember it.
Cash, I would be horribly tempted to say something like this the next time she brings it up:
"I really am sorry about your daughter's hair, but you did leave two three year old girls unsupervised for long enough for that to happen. They really aren't old enough to know better--that's why I would never leave them alone with craft supplies."
I saw a website a while ago that rated a whole ton of charities and nonprofits based on a bunch of factors, like how much money went to aid vs. administration, and some other stuff like that. Anybody know what site that was? There's a group that I want to look up.
ETA: Plei, do you think it would upset you if Lily cut her own hair?
I don't think she would, because she's very attached to her hair, but yes, it would upset me greatly. Possibly not as upset as she'd be, though. She's really really attached to her hair.
Anybody know what site that was?
Guidestar, BBB Wise Giving Alliance, or the one I don't like whose name I can't remember, but is probably what you're thinking of...