My dog would be awesome at that. He's a little smaller than a hot water bottle, loves to snuggle and radiates warmth.
My first thought was "Couldn't they let me bring my dog instead?"
Everything I learn about Nathan Fillion makes me even more of a drooling fangirl. The interviewer in that clip is terrible, though. Fillion says when he was growing up, his parents would let him stay up a half hour later if he was reading.
Canada is my best hope. I think my dad's dual citizenship gives me enough points.
Canada is my best hope. I think my dad's dual citizenship gives me enough points.
Where was he born? Here to Canadian parents, or in Canada and naturalized?
Jazz version of In the Air Tonight [link] (You have to scroll down a bit-link's on the right) If your favorite part is the drum bit, you may not like this version.
Why else would you listen to the song?
Huh--looking at that description of SJS on Wikipedia makes me think that Mom actually had TEN. According to Wiki, SJS proper only involves 10% of the body losing skin, but Mom lost it over at least 50%, if not more, as well as losing most of her body hair. Back in the late 70s, I'm guessing TEN wasn't named yet, so her doctor went with the slightly more known SJS.
Just last week, she was at her current doctor's office for a look at a bad toe, and the nurse-practitioner had to talk to her doctor about what med to prescribe due to her reaction history. After several minutes when Mom could hear them talking in the hall, the NP came back and said that the doc told her to leave Mom on the old med that he knows doesn't cause any problems, just in case. He happened to have another young doctor shadowing him for the day whom he told about Mom's history, and the young doc was surprised over the fact that there was an actual SJS survivor in the office. They are so rare that he only thought he'd read about cases like hers, not encounter one IRL.
I work for a Really Big Canadian corporation, so I could probably swing residency if I tried.
Air America has gone out of business.
If I get one more communication from this child's mother on how bad her hair looks, I'm going to ask her if she wants me to shave Olivia's head for punishment. I'm already paying $35 for a stylist to fix it. What more can I do? MEA CULPA!
Why else would you listen to the song?
I really love the lyrics. They're so bitter and hateful. It reminds me of something someone said about being a villian-that no villian actually thinks he/she is.
This Gregorian version is pretty haunting. [link]
I'm already paying $35 for a stylist to fix it.
Gads, she's only three. Seems like you're doing plenty.
Anyone know what the mode of inheritence of cream color in dogs is?
Because it's not an acceptable color in shibas and that puppycam litter has 2 out of five creams. (Also, it's interesting to me the amount of black on the red puppies - suggests that they are actually some sort of sable - really red pups - Irish Setters, Irish Red and White Setters for example - don't have black markings like that.)