(Also, it wasn't until Dr. Horrible that I finally started liking him. Something about being willing to be a dork and sing even though he's not the world's best singer. [Although that didn't work on me for Felicia Day. She still makes me go MEH.])
Have you watched The Guild? Because, wow. I've totally got her picture up on the door of my mental locker.
I have not watched The Guild.
No strange humans in my hotel bed, please! I'll use one of these.
The Guild is both horrible and hilarious. [link]
OMG, meeting is frying my brayn. They keep drifting off into Java, but if I don't stay I don't get free Chipotle.
The Guild really upped my Felicia Day appreciation, but the little snippets I've seen of her being Felicia Day geeking out over things are what have charmed me the most. She seems like she'd be fun to hang out with.
The Guild really upped my Felicia Day appreciation, but the little snippets I've seen of her being Felicia Day geeking out over things are what have charmed me the most. She seems like she'd be fun to hang out with.
Hot Geek Girl FCM time! FCM: Felicia Day, Rosario Dawson, or Natalie Morales (the actress one, not the talk show one)
OMG, meeting is frying my brayn. They keep drifting off into Java, but if I don't stay I don't get free Chipotle.
Carpe Burrito, hang in there.
They keep drifting off into Java, but if I don't stay I don't get free Chipotle.
For the sake of the burritos, hang in there!
I have not seen The Guild and my Felicia Day fannishness is entirely due to her being charming and geeky on Twitter.
I love that video where she's hired by NASA or something to explain how galaxies collide....