I'm five points short for NZ, but one of the jobs it desperately needs people for is cardiology tech. Which I've thought about -- there are 2-year programs at the local community college that would get me an echo tech certificate and qualify me for a pretty comfortable 6-figure job anywhere in the Bay Area I wanted; if I ever got off my ass (and, er, managed to scrape together the money for classes since I don't think I could get any financial aid or loans) and did it, that would push me well over the top, with Hec along for the ride.
EM might qualify too; I think she's got both past and current experience in a couple of places where they need people.
Not that any of us are planning on doing anything of the sort anytime soon. But it's nice to know that we're not completely out of options. The last time I checked Canada we fell laughably short, and I might possibly qualify to immigrate to Greece but that's a big no, and it's been a source of added despair over the last few years to watch the entire nation slowly sliding into a pit and feel,
Oh, shit, if things really tank we have absolutely nowhere to go.
He then patched his plane with duct tape, and flew it home!
That is cool. Nothing I'd want to fly in, but cool nonetheless.
While the planes I'd have access to probably wouldn't make it to the west coast in one hop, it would be a lot easier than a road trip.
And pilots are very generous hosts, if you don't feel like camping at the field (which a lot of people do). It's one of my great regrets that I'm not able to fly in small planes - I would love to have my license and hop around the country.
Holiday Inn in London now offers "human bed-warmer" service:
If requested, a willing staff-member at two of the chain's London hotels and one in the northern English city of Manchester will dress in an all-in-one fleece sleeper suit before slipping between the sheets.
"The new Holiday Inn bed warmers service is a bit like having a giant hot water bottle in your bed," Holiday Inn spokeswoman Jane Bednall said in an e-mailed statement.
The bed-warmer is equipped with a thermometer to measure the bed's required temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit).
Holiday Inn said the warmer would be fully dressed and leave the bed before the guest occupied it. They could not confirm if the warmer would shower first, but said hair would be covered.
WTF? Who would want that?
If anyone is in need of some adorableness, I think a look at this [link] is in order.
My immediate reaction was "If I want another human being in my hotel bed, I WILL BRING HIM OR HER WITH ME."
Do they not have hot water bottles and electric blankets in the UK?
that is just not right. also? given our reaction, my guess is the people requesting the services will tend toward the odd and the job will be EWWWW inducing for the hotel workers also.