We use GoToMeeting at my job for online sharing, but I think then we still use our regular conference calling company as well
Thanks Jesse. I'm looking into Goto but may end up using email/conference calls until it is determined that people are dedicated to the virtual meeting format. (they love their wine!) If so, I might hit up the org for a subscription fee.
I tried emigrating to NZ a few years ago and ended up being one point short. My attempts to trade my education and enthusiasm for a job offer were met with a deafening silence. I had one nibble but, in the end, the mandatory quarantine for Bartleby killed the deal. I totally understand the need for rigid rules...and I suspect they were pretty sick of Bushugees...but I couldn't do it.
organize a clothing swap/lending scheme.
Do eeeet! I've been an active participant in two clothing swap groups (roughly 3 per year) for about 8 years. It's perfect. I have clothes I'd never tried otherwise and have sent things I liked/don't wear anymore to folks who really appreciate them. Plus, one of our number lives in an apartment building in town with a large low-income population. We take the leftovers there, rather than supporting the third party sell, rather than donate, community.
I have a great set of time-tested 'rules' which was created by the founder of the group I now host. I can e-them, if you'd like a template.
I am happy I chose a panini rather than McDs, but the panini was a little too spicy for my chapped lips.
I got two pair of pants that fit at a clothing swap last year. That's more than I've found together at one time in a store in a million years!
In a broad sense, I just think we're an empire in decline, and probably at this point further decline is inevitable.
A friend and I just had this discussion. While we were in Vegas. Erm.
Strega - no worries, mang! Just making sure I hadn't sounded actually dismissive of the reason behind the BBC' s persecution of me my not being able to procrastinate w/ Dr. Who clips.
My (somewhat more realistic) fantasy is to get a sailboat. Then if things get really bad here I can flee to Canada in it.
I'm three weeks into ground training for my private pilot license. And while it wasn't the initial reason behind it, a fast getaway might be doable if the NC militias decide to take out my wee hippie enclave in the name of god and men's rights and whatever else they're on about.
I'm three weeks into ground training for my private pilot license.
Cool! Are you getting the Sportsman license or the regular one?
eta: The Sportsman license is new. You need less training to get it, but you're limited to simpler, slower planes and you can't fly into busy airspace or something....
Sportsman? Um, I'm working on my private plane pilot license. Sorry, I should have been more specific as I was responding to a sailing comment. For flying, there's private pilot, instrument rated, commercial, and multi-engine licenses, in ascending order of time and effort required. I don't know where I'll stop. It'll probably come down to the time and money I have on hand to pursue it. Or who knows. Once I'm finally flying on my own I might not be that into it. (But I doubt it.)
In case you miss my edit: The Sportsman license is new. You need less training to get it, but you're limited to simpler, slower planes and you can't fly into busy airspace or something....
Ah. It's called the Sport Pilot License: [link]
The Sportsman license is new. You need less training to get it, but you're limited to simpler, slower planes and you can't fly into busy airspace or something
Oh, ok. That's not one my flying club training group offers, but they're pretty conservative and safety mad. I'll be in ground school through April, in a class that some places offer over a weekend. On the other hand, the club's safety record is about three times better than the average for similar organizations, so I'm willing to spend an hour of class-time on making sure the pitot-static tube isn't plugged and suchlike.
Do you fly, tommyrot?