NZ really hates letting people in. It's supposed to be one of the hardest places to emigrate to.
Which is what makes it awesome! However, Tom and I suspect they would turn us away for our large and in charge BMIs. But we have family there and have advanced degrees, which are 2 things off the top of my head they like. Also, I think Tom has the industry qualification.
I guess since they let my cousin in, I never thought of it as particularly hard to get in to...
How are you getting to the airport?
I'm near the A train, so I just usually take it to Howard Beach. Except when I get lazy, and wave down a cab before I make it to the subway station.
NZ really hates letting people in. It's supposed to be one of the hardest places to emigrate to.
Their small population is part of their charm and they know it.
NZ really hates letting people in. It's supposed to be one of the hardest places to emigrate to
Lately when I've been fantasizing about emigrating, it's usually places like Sweden or Norway that I think about. Dunno why - maybe it's my Finnish blood? Anyway, isn't Sweden really hard to emigrate to as well?
But we have family there
Only immediate family counts in their calculations. My cousin being there meant nothing to them. Advanced degrees are good, as is the right industry. However, if you're over 30? 35? they subtract points. I misremember, I'm sure.
I'm near the A train, so I just usually take it to Howard Beach. Except when I get lazy, and wave down a cab before I make it to the subway station.
I used to do that when I was near the F instead of the Q. I'll see you at the gate tomorrow!
Actually, I'm pretty sure she's kidding. She likes the climate zone for growing roses, but the grandparents wouldn't be happy.
Here's NZ points system: [link]
Ever since I started reading the Steig Larsson books, Sweden has become a very dark and violent place in my mind's eye.
I think part of the problem with Obama is that he has been assumed to be a lot more progressive than he really is
Yeah, but on stuff like Haiti that is no excuse. There is no reason he has do a higher IQ version of Katrina. That is the one of the most recent and most heartbreaking. But, for another example, why the fuck did he not give out orders to stop enforcing "don't ask, don't tell" on national security grounds when he got in? That would have been a smart centrist thing to do. Or take health care. OK, so he wanted a centrist health care plan. Why the fuck didn't he fight for it? Why not get out front from the beginning and constantly explain in press conferences and speeches why the health care plan he favored was a great thing? And why take single payer off the table. Having some pressure from the left would have made his plan look centrist.