Snowed in! That definitely calls for stews and reading.
I just had an interesting meeting, that included a newish person saying how she would do something and everyone else (I am 100% confident) biting their tongues about how we tried that a couple of years ago, with no success.
I really was inclined to stay home and in bed today, but I am not sick and the boss is away, so I decided it was wasting a sick day to stay home. I am not getting a ton done, but several visitors have needed help today so I guess it was good that I came in. Maybe I can clean up a thing or two.
Coming in late, but --
Many sympathies, Jilli.
Hil, the Leo Frank case is fascinating. I'm sure your university library would have something(s) on it. But avoid Tom Watson's work. Watson started out (in the 1890s) as an agrarian populist, but by the time of Frank's trial, Watson had morphed into anyone-who-isn't-like-me-ist.
re: the little girl's hair.
There's something weirdly tied into chastity/innocence/purity with girls' hair, I've noticed. It's like "my little girl is no longer 'untouched' if we cut off her hair."
Of course, some people are just weird.
It looks like the weather is going to turn hateful tonight. Blech!
I have now reneged entirely on my previous position and I want one of those stick figure car stickers. Just one. To say I'm alone.
Okay, what I really want is a Batman sticker.
Okay, what I really want is a Batman sticker.
Won't you need a Robin sticker then?
Won't you need a Robin sticker then?
Well, actually, it'll be a Batgirl sticker, and she doesn't need a Robin.
A Batgirl needs a Robin like a fish needs a bicycle....