I have half an avocado. I'm trying to decide what to make for dinner with it.
Spoon, salt and a portuguese roll. God, I've been fantasizing about foods I've eaten overseas that have blown me away of late. Mozambican avocado as above. Springroll filling stuffed croissants in Kath. Rholicky in Prague. Hrmph.
I'm just so frustrated. I have all the material for my next belt rank, just need to practice and gain that muscle memory. Between the sinus infections, vacation, and the asthma, I have lost what endurance and strength I had built. I feel like I'm back at square one, cardio-wise. Sucks monkey nuts. I'm not giving up, just extremely annoyed with myself.
I'm trying to decide what to make for dinner with it.
Shrimp salad over it. Or crab salad. Or make a sandwich with avocado - like bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado.
I had nachos with guac for dinner, myself.
I have lost what endurance and strength I had built.
It's often like that in early January. You'll get back in the groove. It's just the January blahs.
Straight GOOD avocados with a spoon, I say. Those were almost cantalope sized and so damn flavorful. Damn you, shrift, for reminding me of that.
Oh Jilli, I'm sorry.
Suzi too.
Well, I'm home now, and in the last 5 minutes I've done more to start redoing the work I lost yesterday than I was able to do all day. On the plus side, tomorrow they are bringing me a new (to me) computer, and the tornado warning that was issued for my county didn't turn into an actual tornado.
Liv's friend has been in the chair for an hour, trying to unknot and sort out her hair. Apparently, her father is pissed about it. I have no idea of when it happened. When I picked her up, the mom and I chatted for quite a bit. Did it happen before I got there? No clue. How did Liv get a hold of scissors? No idea.
It's hair. It's going to grow back! Why am I so guilty about this? The mom is in tears over it.
I offered, again, to pay the stylist.
I don't know if there's any risk of this, but Jilli -- don't watch Criminal Minds tonight.
Thank you for the heads-up. I don't watch the show, but I still appreciate the warning.
And thank you for the kind words, everyone. The person who passed away wasn't a close friend, but was someone who I liked and who was a good person.
I'm watching what I thought was a documentary about Leo Frank, but it's got a lot of really annoying historical reenactment. I don't understand why they felt this was necessary.