With my dust and mold allergies
That's one of the reasons I get it done. I'm crap at cleaning; even when I do it, I feel like I haven't really done it well. But I got addicted to having a clean house. I went from once a month, to every two weeks, and now they come every Monday.
I am free floating discontent tonight. Uhg.
I am good at cleaning; I'm a Virgo. That's the problem, though. I start cleaning one little thing, and next thing I know, everything in the fridge is out and I am scrubbing it with a toothbrush, and then, 3 hours later, I'm too tired to wash towels and sweep the bathroom.
I think I WILL, though, call someone and have the lawn mowed and sideyard chopped down. It's like eyebrow waxing, right? If you get a pro to do the first heavy lifting, then maintenence is pretty easy?
I am good at cleaning; I'm a Virgo.
I'm not a very good Virgo, I guess.
Perkins, we need pictures to verify whether the dress was great or not.
[link] It's
cuter on. It's getting too big, which makes me sad.
I attribute Virgoness on an as-needed basis. It's pretty hit or miss.
have a cleaner twice a month. Cleans kitchen, bathroom, floors, vacuum, dusts, and straightens. I do pick up before a cleaning so they have time to really do the cleaning because I only pay for 4 hours. I sometimes vacuum in between, but that doesn't always get done. Before the place was for sale, they never touched my room, but now it gets vacuumed also. No laundry or sheet changing. I should ask that windows get washed soon though.
My Ariesness is pretty consistent, which is to say I get fired up about projects and then jump when something shiny and new catches my attention. Makes cleaning thoroughly a hit or miss proposal, since sleeping, petting the cat, and what you have all seem like infinitely better ideas than the one to clean the kitchen or whatever.
That is a cute dress, Perkins! Red is a great color for you.
Okay, I'm a Gemini, so what should I be like? Or what two people should I be like?
I have neither a housecleaner nor any qualities attributable to an astrological sign. I do have an awesome yard guy, which is <3.
I am good at cleaning; I'm a Virgo. That's the problem, though. I start cleaning one little thing, and next thing I know, everything in the fridge is out and I am scrubbing it with a toothbrush, and then, 3 hours later, I'm too tired to wash towels and sweep the bathroom. ten minutes later, when one of the other household inhabitants inevitably spills, tracks across, or otherwise despoils the fruits of my efforts, I go into a blinding HULK! SMASH! RAGE!
So I try to clean as little as humanly possible, even though I am good at keeping things straightened up, so the house doesn't look like a total dump site.