Sir Ian McKellen mistaken for tramp outside theatre.
He said: "During the dress rehearsal of Godot, I crouched by the stage door of the Comedy Theatre, getting some air, my bowler hat at my feet (and) seeing an unkempt old man down on his luck, a passer-by said, 'Need some help, brother?' and put a dollar in my hat."
Dork Tower hits on a truth: [link]
P-C, I saw him in that play in May. If he hadn't been onstage (along with Roger Rhees), I totally woulda given him a dollar.
If you go into Settings and look at the mouse & keyboard preferences, you can enable the right button. (It's inactive by default because Steve Jobs hates buttons.)
Yeah, it doesn't look like that's possible. Ah well. I will figure it all out, and maybe try the trackpad tapping thing again...
Forgot I was supposed to get mac from school today. I got a cab, but was still late and had to call a friend in the hood to go get him. Now I am waiting for them at my place since of course mac begged her to go buy a snack. Also I am now nauseatee from the cab ride/nerves.
ION - a friend posted this on FB - "looking for project managers for a HUGE summer project!! retail, mobile, and street marketing. send qualified candidates my way!" - looks to be NYC mostly with a few things in LA. let me know if you are interested and I'll send you her info.
I went out for a 5 minute mini-walk after lunch. On the way back, random dude in a pick up truck stopped at the red light yelled "Great Dress" out the window.
It was very exciting.
No, really.
If only all walks had that kind of excitement. More people would walk
or that could be me