Evidently one of the policies they decided on was to skip on requiring a $.5m extra-safety valve for deep wells of this type.
From what I understand, and I might be wrong, it wouldn't have helped. It would be a back-up method of activating the blowout preventer that busted.
Speaking of smoking, I am listening to a thing about the new tobacco laws, and everyone seems SHOCKED that there is ammonia in cigarettes. I smoke Marlboro Lites, and I totally can smell the ammonia when I first open the pack. Also, cleaning with ammonia makes me want a cigarette.
I took Dana's initial point to be that folks are going to say insensitive things in ANY such case where unfavorable comparison will elevate one's position.
We do it all the time, and especially with the 'branding' of every major event...Obama's Katrina, indeed!
We seem to have lost all perspective on 'there will always be greater or lesser people/things/circumstances' so why bother jockeying for position when you could be focusing your energy on dealing the best you can with what is in front of you.
Honestly. That's what bugs me the most.
I've never seen a situation where casting aspersions either prevented some subsequent disaster or served as any kind of learning opportunity.
I just want to say to the people who spend their precious energy pointing fingers like that to shut up and help. Or, at the very least, shut up and go away.
Erk. I think I've just uncovered an 'issue.'
I keep getting the feeling that BP just didn't plan for this eventuality. They seem so ill prepared to deal with this sort of failure.
I saw an interview with the president (or CEO; basically a Very High-Up Person at BP) on CNN just a few days ago. Not an in-studio interview, but at the site of the spill. And the reporter asked why there hadn't been a plan in place in case something like this happened, and the CEO basically said, "Well, nothing like this has ever happened before."
Well played, BP.
Although some have claimed that an atomic bomb would seal things right up....
Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
In the nuclear industry, you tend to sneer at other industries' failsafes. The fact that no one outside the plant has been hurt in 50 years of commercial nuclear operation has been the result of an amount of federal and industry regulation and oversight that no other industry gets anywhere near.
Years of Republican dominance and its denigration of government actions and regulation created agencies so undermined and filled with cronies that the result is FEMA's response to Katrina, the Wall Street meltdown and now the oil leak.
And of course, I want to get a Newfoundland. The hairiest, drooliest, biggest dog around.
That was our first dog. Raised him from a puppy. And we wound up with the one Newf in the history of all Newfs who didn't family bond, despite equal and massive amounts of time spent with both of us (at the time) but only bonded with me and as such, developed a very defensive attitude and became aggressive with Lewis.
We worked and trained and worked some more with him until two things happened-- he turned on Lewis during a walk and bit him for no discernible reason and I became pregnant. It broke my heart, but we had to give him back to the breeder (as per our contract). Despite the fact that we were doing what was best for everyone, the breeder held me responsible and made me feel absolutely miserable for having failed Boomer.
It took a lot of faith to get Jake (our chocolate lab) but he wound up being the best dog ever, so I've finally been able to put Boomer in the "tried my best, but even then, it doesn't always work" category.
Still feel a little guilty though.
Although some have claimed that an atomic bomb would seal things right up....
Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
But this installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it!
Sue, Newfies can be completely awesome...and they can be a whole lotta dog with as many issues a Time Magazine.
Since you have probably done a lot of research (or will do), I won't bore you with a lot of repetition, or spend time on the obviously great stuff about them. I'll just offer a couple of things to be mindful of that don't always get mentioned in the standard breed descriptions.
The Newfies I've worked with are notorious for not coping well with dog park antics. They are either so laid back as to be annoyed by puppy climbing and the general helter skelter of park play, or they are actively aggressive and respond badly when dust=ups occur near them.
One of my park buddies is recovering from a bite to her thigh which occurred when one Newfie's notoriously cavalier person did not restrain him when a fight broke out between two other dogs. (Sadly, this same dog has a history of bad park behavior and has been reported to the police after his person did not follow through with an 'always on leash' promise.)
A Newfie bite is a baaaaad bite, even when they aren't trying.
And...Newfies tend to be emotional, which can be sweet when they are small and fluffy, but difficult when they are 100+ lbs and neeeeed your lap. Separation anxiety is a huge issue for them.
On the other hand, space is not a problem. As long as you have a comfy space big enough for them to lie down, they are golden. In fact, a smaller place, with less room to collect hair and drool, might be better!
My favorite Newfie, Harley, just died recently. We miss his lovable self, because really, you haven't been dog hugged until you've been hugged by a Newfie.