When I was younger, I hated the new, hated watching the news, and hated keeping up with the news. Possibly since we watched the news while eating dinner every night of my life.
Then 9/11 happened, and I became obsessed with the news.
And now, I almost feel with the oil spill, that this news is too upsetting and there is nothing I can do about it, and even though it is news and we hear about it all the time, no one is really freaked out enough. Precious resource! Ruining the environment!
A fox ran out in front of my car Friday night.
A fox ran out in front of my car last night. Is there some fox migration thing going on? Maybe they're all following Nora to NOLA.
There are turkey vultures circling my office building. I hope they're here for the travel agency down the hall, and not for my company.
I say, I SAY!
oops. that's a chicken hawk.
well poop! I just realized that I am actually losing about $1 on the books I have sold via amazon this week. I think they much have increased the commision they charge. I could stop adding on delivery confirmation, I guess and then I'd just about break even.
I kind of love today's Groupon for SF: [link]
But was he eating green eggs and ham?
I immediately went to "Would he eat them on a train? Would he eat them in the rain?"
Also, listening to Hamlet (the Ethan Hawke version) and we just game across the "Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us!" Oh the memories!
Workin' on Our Knight Moves
Sir Francis Drake is only one of many to go through that special time in a man's life when he becomes a knight. What are some of the steps in a knighting ceremony?
* The honoree is blindfolded and driven in an ivory carriage to Knight Court.
* He is dressed as his favorite animal and escorted down the aisle by a priest dressed as Sherlock Holmes.
* He recites the Knight's Pledge, which includes vowing to "protect English pies cooling on windowsills and fight any and all invading Dragonhearts."
* The Queen then touches his shoulders with a ceremonial sword and says "Arise, Sir -- you knight you," while smiling into the camera.
I'm having lunch (Farmhouse salad from Potbelly) and watching FNL. Damn this is intense!
I'm so excited that FNL is waiting for me on my Tivo! WOOT.